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When You Can’t Say Yes

No one likes having to say no or I can’t, or it’s not available but often there is simply no choice. This video explores the major reasons why ‘yes’ is not always possible.

Runtime: 16 Minutes
  • DVD
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • How can I help this person to the best of my ability?
  • The difference between ”a hard no” and ”a service no”
  • Clearly state reasons with honest, logical explanations
  • Rack your brain for alternatives and information


No one likes having to say no or I can’t, or it’s not available but often there is simply no choice. This video explores the major reasons why you can’t say yes and will help your people discern the difference between ”a hard no” and ”a service no”

Training Points Include:

  • The difference between ”a hard no” and ”a service no” – How can I help this person to the best of my ability?
  • Show empathy
  • Use active listening skills
  • Get the facts
  • Clearly state reasons with honest, logical explanations
  • Avoid, unfortunately, sadly and regrettably
  • ”However” indicates new information
  • Don’t give up easily – Use your smarts
  • Lateral thinking
  • Rack your brain for alternatives and information
  • ”A service no” makes everyone a winner