Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

Featured Videos

Who Put a Lizard in My Lasagna?

Learn how to bring your best attitude to every interaction you have with customers and co-workers in this funny and motivational video hosted by Sam Glenn.

Runtime: 22 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
  • PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Be Creative
  • Remember What’s Important
  • Go Above and Beyond
  • Have Fun!


Imagine going to your job every day with a big smile on your face and being excited to be there! Well, the Lizard Philosophy will help make that positive attitude happen! More importantly it will improve customer service and employee satisfaction.

Who Put A Lizard In My Lasagna?™ began as a practical joke with a small plastic lizard several years ago and is now a philosophy that guides Sam Glenn through his life. The Lizard Philosophy is all about bringing your best to every interaction you have with customers and co-workers.

We promise you will laugh at Sam’s stories as his message helps you improve employee attitude and customer service. Businesses across the world are embracing and personalizing Sam’s lizard concept and are watching results soar!

Key Learning Points:

  • Be Creative
  • Remember What’s Important
  • Go Above and Beyond
  • Have Fun!