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Dirigeants: Qu ect-ce la confiance a voir avec cela?

“For it is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest, that holds human associations together.” H.L. Mencken  This newly revised training program tells the story of a team leader who realizes that he cannot lead his team without first gaining their trust. 

Runtime: 19 Minutes
  • DVD, USB, and Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide with Participant Materials
  • Customizable PowerPoint Slides
Key Learning Points:
  • Trust is the foundation of leadership.
  • The way we behave either builds trust or destroys it.
  • Trust–building behaviours must be consistent and ongoing.


Has your organization lost trust in its leaders? Precisely when organizations need employee involvement, trust levels are low and people are disengaged. What can managers and team leaders do to regain trust? This video provides realistic methods for rebuilding trust and gaining employee involvement.

It tells the story of a team leader who realizes that he cannot lead his team without first gaining their trust. As the story progresses, he puts into practice 5 trust-building behaviours, which help him to regain the trust and active participation of his team.
Let this program teach leaders in your organization how to build trust and create a more productive workforce. “For it is mutual trust, even more than mutual interest, that holds human associations together.” H.L. Mencken

  • Trust is the foundation of leadership.
  • The way we behave either builds trust or destroys it.
  • Trust–building behaviours must be consistent and ongoing.
The five most important trust-building behaviours are:
  • Be open and honest: Let people know what’s going on. Don’t hide bad news.
  • Be credible: Do what you say you’re going to do. Be true to your word.
  • Be humble: Ask for help when you need it. Admit you don’t know everything.
  • Be competent: Know your job. Do it in a way that sets the standard for everyone.
  • Be generous: Give praise and credit to the people who deserve it.