Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

What’s In It For Me?

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This thought-provoking workshop inspires viewers and will empower your team to deliver unparalleled customer service.

Runtime: 20 Minutes
  • DVD
  • Copy of the ‘A New Look at Customer Service’ book
Key Learning Points:


If you’ve ever wondered if you should invest in a state-of-the art customer service training program, consider these two facts:

Good customer service: 70 percent of disgruntled customers will do business with you again if you resolve the complaint in their favor.

Bad customer service: It costs six times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one.

What’s In It For Me? is the most innovative customer service video training tool to hit the market in years. A groundbreaking 1-hour or 2 1/2-hour workshop, What’s In It For Me? looks at customer service from a viewpoint that will truly motivate employees – their own perspective. Simply put, every time a method or tactic is introduced, participants learn how they will personally and professionally benefit by using it.

It teaches three powerful techniques for handling customers:

  • The Best Face of the Stone
  • The Lightning Rod
  • The Participant Observer.

These techniques not only make for satisfied customers, they enhance your employee’s job satisfaction and teach them the skills that they need to advance professionally at your company.

So what’s in it for you? A thought-provoking workshop that inspires participants. A workshop that empowers your team to deliver unparalleled customer service. A workshop that helps your company to stay ahead of its competition.