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Let’s TALK.: Handling the Difficult Performance Appraisal

Managers and supervisors will no longer dread those difficult performance appraisals. T.A.L.K. will propel your company toward better job performance and a more productive work environment.

Runtime: 38 Minutes
  • DVD and USB
  • Facilitator Guide
  • Reproducible Participant Materials
  • Self-Study Workbook
Key Learning Points:
  • Performance Appraisals help people get better at what they do
  • How a real give and take can uncover hidden motivations
  • Ways to encourage top performers to do better
  • How to overcome objections to 360-degree feedback
  • Why on-going feedback reduces difficulties at the appraisal meeting
  • The importance of staying focused on work-related issues
  • How the T.A.L.K. method handles any difficult appraisal


Managers and supervisors will no longer dread those difficult performance appraisals. T.A.L.K. will propel your company toward better job performance and a more productive work environment.

Some managers dread all performance appraisals. But all managers dread some-the difficult ones. The employee who won’t talk. The top performer who still needs to improve. Those who resent criticism or deny responsibility. Handling difficult performance appraisals represents one of management’s biggest headache and challenges. And yet, it’s also the best way to help people get better at what they do.

Using dramatic examples that illustrate many of a manager’s worst performance appraisal nightmares, this video shows how the T.A.L.K. model leads employees to a mutually agreed upon solution to any workplace challenge.

This program will ensure that your managers and supervisors:

  • Learn how to Tell employees exactly how they see it
  • Know to Ask for feedback from difficult direct-reports
  • Discover ways to Lead toward a solution
  • Keep at it until needed changes stick

Key Learning Points:

  • Performance Appraisals help people get better at what they do
  • How a real give and take can uncover hidden motivations
  • Ways to encourage top performers to do better
  • How to overcome objections to 360-degree feedback
  • Why on-going feedback reduces difficulties at the appraisal meeting
  • The importance of staying focused on work-related issues
  • How the T.A.L.K. method handles any difficult appraisal