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Creating the Respect Effect

Prevent Harassment, Discrimination & Retaliation

Here’s a results-oriented vignette-based program for employers seeking to improve and enhance work environments. It teaches all employees to understand and demonstrate the building blocks of a respectful workplace and reduce the risk of legal claims.

Runtime: 11 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Management Version Facilitator’s Guide and Participant Workbook, Employee Version Facilitator’s Guide and Participant Workbook
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Post Test, and Training Acknowledgement Form.
Key Learning Points:
  • Offers different workshops for managers and employees to increase their understanding of company policies and legal obligations
  • Trains managers and employees to understand and demonstrate the building blocks of a respectful workplace
  • Includes five vignettes showing what discrimination and other work issues look and sound like today – harassment, national origin mistreatment, disability and religious accommodations issues, retaliation, and ageism


A single legal claim arising out of employment issues can cost an employer over a million dollars. That “price tag” includes the average recovery of the successful plaintiff, attorneys’ fees awarded by law to successful plaintiff’s attorneys, and attorneys’ fees paid to defend the claim.

Developed by experienced employment attorneys and trainers, Creating the Respect Effect is a cost-effective and results-oriented video-based training program for employers seeking to improve and enhance work environments and reduce the risk of legal claims arising from employment issues. This distinctive classroom course educates your managers and employees about the characteristics and the benefits of a respectful work environment.