Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

Stress Profiler, Military Version

This product now comes in a version just for military folks with sections on resilience, PTSD and Trauma. We still recommend the regular version for civilians and family.

  • 1 16-Page Profile Instrument


The 16-page stress test tells you exactly how stressed you are in ten different areas of your life and even gives you advice on how to cope with your stress. The Stress Profiler helps you answer questions like: Why do I get angry over nothing? How can I reduce my worrying? How can I cope with all the changes in my life? How can I learn to manage my time better?

The Stress Profiler gives you ten “mini tests” on your financial stress, anger coping skills, your ability to handle time pressure, worry, stress symptoms and more. If you happen to score high in any one section, there is a corresponding article in the second half of the assessment that gives you lots of practical advice and useful tips for how to cope better with that particular area of stress.

The Stress Profiler takes about 15 minutes to complete online and 20 minutes to complete offline. After taking the test, you can easily determine the total score, produce a graph of the results and you can create a customized action plan based on your own score. Thus the advice is tailored to your own needs. Trainers can use this stress management test during a stress management seminar, or as a takeaway to finish at home. It is completely self-explanatory and requires no supervision.