Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

The Sam Glenn Series

The Sam Glenn Series consists of 3 hilarious new programs featuring Sam’s thoughts on attitude, change, and well… lizards! And they really couldn’t have been released at a better time!

Runtime: 66 Minutes
  • DVDs
  • Leaders’ Guides
  • Powerpoint Presentations
Key Learning Points:


The Sam Glenn Series consists of 3 hilarious new programs featuring Sam’s thoughts on attitude, change, and well… lizards! And they really couldn’t have been released at a better time!

You’ll find that Sam’s Lizard Philosophy – and humorous stories of how he deals with changes, challenges, the unexpected, and negative people – will be a refreshing change, and we’re sure your staff will too.

Sam Glenn, an author, and motivational speaker, invigorates audiences with sidesplitting humour, inspirational insights, and candid simplicity. Sam is regarded as The Authority on Attitude™.

The Sam Glenn Series includes:

Who Put A Lizard In My Lasagna?™ (22 Minutes)

Learn how to bring your best attitude to every interaction you have with customers and co-workers in this funny and motivational video hosted by Sam Glenn.

Imagine going to your job every day with a big smile on your face and being excited to be there! Well, the Lizard Philosophy will help make that positive attitude happen! More importantly it will improve customer service and employee satisfaction.

Who Put A Lizard In My Lasagna?™ began as a practical joke with a small plastic lizard several years ago and is now a philosophy that guides Sam through his life. The Lizard Philosophy is all about bringing your best to every interaction you have with customers and co-workers.

We promise you will laugh at Sam’s stories as his message helps you improve employee attitude and customer service. Businesses across the world are embracing and personalizing Sam’s lizard concept and are watching results soar!

Key Learning Points:

  • Be Creative
  • Remember What’s Important
  • Go Above and Beyond
  • Have Fun!


A Kick in the Attitude!™ (22 Minutes)

Let’s face it, we can all benefit from a positive attitude. In fact, we can all use a good “Kick In The Attitude” now and then. But how do you do it? Well, Sam Glenn has the answer – and you’ll laugh as you learn in this humorous and motivational video.

We cannot control what goes on around us but we can control our perceptions, responses and actions, which ultimately form our attitude. That’s the message in Sam Glenn’s “A Kick In The Attitude” video. This video will inspire you, make you laugh, and help you improve employee attitude and customer relationships!

Key Learning Points:

  • Lighten Up
  • Keep Your Perspective
  • Reject Negativity
  • Practice!

When Change Happens, Adjust Your Sail™ (22 Minutes)

Sam Glenn gives you the tools to overcome challenges in this funny and motivational video. Laugh as you and your team learn the tools to navigate through change.

Change is happening all around us and we all know that change can be very difficult for people to navigate. So how do you and your team manage change? How can you cope?

When Sam Glenn speaks about change, he uses the analogy of being on a small sailboat in the middle of a storm. Change is tossing us around and we need to adjust our sails to stay afloat. As Sam tells us in this video, we can adjust our sail and get out of the storm. We can overcome change.

Sam uses funny anecdotal stories and a simple formula to help you and your associates deal with change. As you watch the program, you’ll develop tools for overcoming changes, challenges, the unexpected, and negative people.

Key Learning Points:

  • Don’t Panic!
  • It’s OK To Complain, BUT…
  • Stay Positive