Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

Featured Videos

Delegate It Right The First Time

This program is an effective way to help managers and supervisors successfully delegate projects to others.

Runtime: 10 Minutes
  • DVD, USB, or Streaming
  • Learning Guide
  • Skill Reinforcement Checklist
Key Learning Points:
  • Select the right employee for each project and effectively communicate the required results
  • Get employees off to a confident and enthusiastic start by providing appropriate resources
  • Check employee confidence and comfort levels before they start
  • Accurately confirm understanding and monitor results to prevent surprises


This program is an effective way to help managers and supervisors successfully delegate projects to others.

Delegating can be difficult.  This video will help every manager and supervisor understand the importance of delegation and feel confident doing it. Delegate It Right the First Time teaches a simple 4-step delegation process and checklist to assure the best results.

What makes this program different is that it teaches a complete skill; it includes steps other videos don’t have that directly impact how successfully you delegate—and how successful your employees will be working on delegated projects.

It combines a proven delegation process and 4 important steps, including scheduling update meetings, confirming that employees understand the project, checking for comfort, and telling employees why you chose them.

In effect, it’s designed to maximize both manager and employee success right from the start.


 Key Concepts from Delegate It Right the First Time include:
  • Select the right employee for each project and effectively communicate the required results
  • Get employees off to a confident and enthusiastic start by providing appropriate resources
  • Check employee confidence and comfort levels before they start
  • Accurately confirm understanding and monitor results to prevent surprises



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