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No Fear Feedback: You Dislike Their Idea, But Don’t Want To Say So

Learn the skills necessary to respectfully discuss concerns you may have with ideas and strategies proposed by others in your work group or organization.

Runtime: 6 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • Learning Guide
  • Skill Card


Key Learning Points:
  • A needed skill that improves idea implementation and productivity
  • Enables all participants in the decision making process to have input
  • Takes the fear of input away when constructive alternative ideas are required


People are often involved in conversations and meetings in order to exchange input, analyze ideas, present options, solutions, or propose strategies—and then discuss them and respond with input and any concerns.

However, it doesn’t always feel comfortable to convey that there are concerns or problems with an idea or strategy someone else has proposed during a meeting or in a conversation. We don’t want them to feel disrespected, or to become angry or defensive, potentially putting us on the spot, and distracting the group from its objective.

This skill effectively resolves this concern.


Key Concepts:

  • A needed skill that improves idea implementation and productivity
  • Enables all participants in the decision making process to have input
  • Takes the fear of input away when constructive alternative ideas are required



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