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Featured Videos

Leading by Example

Mentoring And Coaching For Effective Leadership

Illustrates how we can become models, mentors and teachers to those around us, and in so doing, leave a legacy of contribution through hard work, caring, and sacrifice.

Runtime: 23 minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Modeling actions and attitudes and being an example
  • Mentoring and improving the quality of relationships
  • Teaching: Instructing, advising and counselling


This powerful, principle-centered video learning workshop, one of five in the Covey Leadership Library, illustrates the difference a mentor and coach can make. Through the dramatic story of Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller, this case study enables leaders to identify ways in which they can be more effective models, how they can set lasting examples, and how they can bring out the best in others.

Included is an introduction and summarizing insights by Dr. Stephen R. Covey, founder and chairman of the Covey Leadership Center and best-selling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Participants will be provided essential insights for influencing another person, a team, or an entire organization. More than just becoming better managers, participants will be made into better mentors and coaches who can develop the best in other people.