Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

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Bad Apples: How to Deal with Difficult Attitudes

If you have lazy teammates, cranky customers, bossy bosses or rigid co-workers, then Bad Apples™ is for you! This program can give supervisors, managers and employees some practical, easy-to-use techniques for eliminating negativity in the workplace.

Runtime: 23 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Facilitator Guide
  • Reproducible Participant Materials
  • Reproducible Self-Study Workbook
Key Learning Points:
  • Recognize the characteristics of a bad attitude.
  • Understand how negativity impacts relationships and performance.
  • Assess a challenging situation and determine an appropriate strategy.
  • Utilize a 5-step process for dealing with difficult people.
  • Identify the reason(s) for someone’s poor performance.
  • Develop potential solutions for resolving a problem
  • Regain your positive attitude about the other person or situation.
  • Manage conflict with confidence


Let’s start with the bottom line first. If you have lazy teammates, cranky customers, bossy bosses or rigid co-workers, then Bad Apples™ is for you! Bad attitudes in the workplace can deteriorate morale, lower productivity, and increase costs. This program can give supervisors, managers and employees some practical, easy-to-use techniques for eliminating negativity in the workplace.

Like the cliché “One bad apple spoils the whole bunch”, one person with a bad attitude can have a negative impact on the entire team or company! Bad Apples™ is a learning experience to help people understand how attitudes impact relationships and provides a process for overcoming attitudes that may be stifling their individual and team performance. Bad Apples™ can help the bad apples shine!

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize and describe the characteristics of a bad attitude.
  • Understand how negativity impacts relationships and performance.
  • Assess a challenging situation and determine an appropriate strategy.
  • Utilize a 5-step process for dealing with difficult people.
  • Identify the reason (s) for someone’s poor performance.
  • Develop potential solutions for resolving a problem
  • Regain your positive attitude about the other person or situation.
  • Manage conflict with confidence, resulting in a positive outcome.