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Another Look: Defining Respect in Healthcare

SKU: 3521P Category: Tags: , Brand:

Do you really know how your patients and coworkers define respect and want to be treated? Discover how to create an inclusive work environment that enables the delivery of respectful and culturally-appropriate healthcare.

Runtime: 22 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Facilitator’s Guide
  • Facilitator’s Resources
Key Learning Points:
  • Defines cultural competence and its importance in healthcare settings
  • Promotes respect as vital to patient care and coworker interaction
  • Helps employees recognize how their cultural mindsets color interactions with others


Do you really know how your patients and coworkers define respect and want to be treated?
Discover how to create an inclusive work environment that enables the delivery of respectful and culturally-appropriate healthcare. Using powerful video scenarios, this high-impact program will create a deep awareness about our own mindsets and biases toward others and demonstrate how to resolve situations caused by hidden differences.

This Program Features the C.A.R.E. Model:

  • C – Consider before you act
  • A – Accept differences in others
  • R – Respect others’ feelings
  • E – Engage in the process

Learning Point Highlights:

  • Defines cultural competence and its importance in healthcare settings
  • Promotes respect as vital to patient care and coworker interaction
  • Helps employees recognize how their cultural mindsets color interactions with others