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Building Your Team: Recruiting, Interviewing & Hiring

Retail Learning Library

Great teams don’t just happen – they are carefully crafted over time. This program presents the simple techniques you can use anywhere to meet new recruits and get them interested in joining your team.

Runtime: 12 minutes
  • DVD
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Employee Quiz and Handouts
Key Learning Points:
  • Evaluating the application
  • Legal landmines
  • Types of interview questions
  • Reference checks
  • Evaluating the applicant


This DVD covers the three main components in building your team: recruiting, interviewing and hiring.

There are simple techniques you can use anywhere to meet new recruits and get them interested in joining your team. The participant will learn specifically what to say during an initial meeting, how to follow up with the prospective recruit, and how to make the transition from casual conversation to a formal interview.

Then, as we move to the interview, the participant will learn the best way to help applicants relax and open up, allowing the interviewer to make the best possible hiring decision.

Also available as part of the Retail Learning Library Series.