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Bury My Heart at Conference Room B

SKU: 1793P Category: Tags: , Brand:

If your organization seems to have more brick walls than hallways and doors, it’s time for a “totally twisted, deadly serious” look at leadership.

Runtime: 28 minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Facilitator Guide
  • Reproducible Participant Materials
Key Learning Points:
  • Explores motivating people without using carrot and stick approaches
  • Describes how managers can live their personal values in the workplace
  • Shares insights on what makes work meaningful for employees


Bury My Heart at Conference Room B is like no other leadership approach you’ve seen. First of all, the thing actually works! Secondly, it’s deeply empathic to the real world of today’s manager.

This 28-minute video features Stan Slap and is a revolutionary program used by many of the world’s best companies to increase management commitment, reduce turnover, and get support for corporate strategies. This program also includes a beautifully designed workbook stolen from the two-day training program. It includes engaging participant activities and complete-we mean complete-step-by-step facilitator instructions. How cool is that?