Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

Coach the SALE For Sales Managers

This program introduces the multiple roles, responsibilities, knowledge and skills required of an effective sales manager.

Runtime: 56 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Facilitator’s Guide & Resources
  • Participant Materials
Key Learning Points:
  • Model the S.A.L.E. Process
  • Recognize and respond to the most common sales management challenges
  • Apply a four-step coaching process to help sales professionals employ the S.A.L.E. Process


This program is specifically designed for new sales managers or for sales managers with limited management experience.

This program introduces the multiple roles, responsibilities, knowledge and skills required of an effective sales manager. Participants will experience a variety of learning activities, including opportunities to explore and practice skills and strategies related to modeling the S.A.L.E. Process, setting goals and expectations, managing accounts and applying the coaching process.

The S.A.L.E. Process:

S – Set the stage
A – Analyze needs
L – Link to solutions
E – Establish commitment