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The Covey Leadership Library

Dr. Stephen R. Covey, a best-selling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is featured in this comprehensive library of videos on leadership development. The five videos are available individually or as a set.

Runtime: 105 Minutes
  • 1 DVD and Leader’s Guide for each title
Key Learning Points:
  • Inspires great leadership
  • Improves workplace dynamics
  • Helps people communicate more effectively


Dr. Stephen R. Covey, best-selling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is featured in this comprehensive library of videos on leadership development. The five videos are available individually or as a set. Individual programs are $725.00 each.

I Know Just What You Mean!
This video explores the difference between listening with intent to respond and listening with the intent to understand. It underscores the vital importance of diagnosing needs before prescribing solutions and demonstrates why much-hyped “active listening techniques” may actually contribute to miscommunication.

Leading By Example
This powerful, principle-centered video learning workshop that illustrates the difference a mentor and coach can make. Through the dramatic story of Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller, this case study enables leaders to identify ways in which they can be more effective models, how they can set lasting examples, and how they can bring out the best in others.

Mauritius: Celebrating Differences
In this documentary, participants learn guiding principles designed to turn individual viewpoints into lasting organizational cohesiveness. Mauritius offers timeless insights designed to create an environment where people subordinate “mine” to “ours”, and “now” to “the future”, by recognizing the power of diversity.

Max and Max
This video is about empowerment. It’s designed to increase leaders’ awareness of the waste of human potential within organizations and to help create a culture that fosters independent initiative, creativity, and resourcefulness.

Tearing Down Walls
This program uses the Berlin Wall as a metaphor for the barriers that exist between individuals, teams, departments, or even between an organization and its customers. Help people eliminate miscommunication, distrust, and stereotyping to improve performance and productivity in the workplace.

The Purchase Price of each title individually is $725.