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Dealing with Conflict, Healthcare Version

SKU: 2029P Category: Tags: , Brand:

This program offers proven methods for recognizing and resolving conflict. The interpersonal skills highlighted here have never been more needed by the healthcare workforce – or more valuable to the organization in its pursuit of objectives.

Runtime: 20 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Proven methods for recognizing conflict
  • The five most valuable methods of conflict resolution
  • The two basic dimension of human behavior in conflict situations
  • How to take responsibility for conflict and its resolution


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Conflict shifts the focus away from work and the basic goals of the team, department and organization, negatively impacting productivity and thus, the bottom line. Surveys show that managers now spend about 20 per cent of their time on conflict resolution.

And employees – now carrying the increased responsibilities of such programs as empowerment and quality management – are more vulnerable to conflict than ever. As medical personnel are asked to become more self-directed, contribute their opinions and communicate with a greater variety of people, they need ready access to their own conflict management skills.

This video gives healthcare workers true insight and the lasting strategies for working through conflicts with less dependence on superiors.

Based on the world-famous Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, this program offers proven methods for recognizing and resolving conflict. While the skills and insights presented here will enhance management’s ability to resolve conflicts, they are for all employees-enabling everyone to work through conflicts with less dependence on superiors.

These interpersonal skills have never been more needed by the healthcare workforce – or more valuable to the organization in its pursuit of objectives.

Scenarios dramatize the five positions taken by most people during conflict: 

  • avoiding
  • accommodating
  • competing
  • compromising
  • collaborating

Viewers Will Learn:

  • Proven methods for recognizing conflict
  • The five most valuable methods of conflict resolution
  • The two basic dimension of human behaviour in conflict situations
  • How to take responsibility for conflict and its resolution