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Everybody Wins: How to Turn Conflict into Collaboration

Conflict is inevitable in the workplace – because of a diverse workforce, constant change, stress from doing more with less, confusion over responsibilities, and miscommunication. This program will teach your employees how to recognize signs of conflict and how to resolve situations.

Runtime: 20 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Facilitator Guide
  • Reproducible Participant Materials
  • Reproducible Self-Study Workbook
Key Learning Points:
  • Understand why conflict in the workplace happens
  • Know how to change your perspective of conflict
  • Identify the three most common workplace conflict situations
  • Identify the five different ways people deal with conflict
  • Use the “Everybody Wins” approach in a conflict situation
  • Take personal responsibility for dealing with conflict, diversity, and disagreement


Everybody Wins: How to Turn Conflict into Collaboration emphasizes that conflict is inevitable because of a diverse workforce, constant change, stress from doing more with less, confusion over responsibilities, and miscommunication.

This program will teach your employees how to recognize three of the most common conflict situations in the workplace:

1) Peer-to-Peer Conflict – How do you deal with a conflict that is between you and your coworker?
2) Work-Team Conflict – How do you deal with conflict that happens in your team?
3) Manager-to-Employee Conflict – What do you do when the conflict is between you and your boss?

This program teaches three easy steps to resolve conflict:

1) Everyone tells it like they see it
2) Get everything on the table
3) Focus on the future

Bottom-line, employees will know a clear, easy-to-use approach that will help them think things through to arrive at the most appropriate choice of action to take. Ultimately, this will increase the productivity of your organization.