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In This Together

In This Together illustrates how perceptions can become reality by examining opinions and attitudes about everyday life and the simple choices we’re faced with each day. It looks at the negative effects of discrimination and harassment with directness, honesty, and insight.

Runtime: 18 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide with reproducible forms
Key Learning Points:
  • The repercussions of offensive language
  • What can happen when promises or intentions are not kept
  • How to handle bad moods and gossip


Why do people harass? Why are they mean or disrespectful? Maybe it’s because they don’t know any better. Or maybe they know better but do it anyway. Now you can help manage both scenarios with a program that addresses a variety of harassment and respect issues.

In This Together illustrates how perceptions can become reality by examining opinions and attitudes about everyday life and the simple choices we’re faced with each day. It looks at the negative effects of discrimination and harassment with directness, honesty and insight.

Front-line employees ranging in age from 20 to 35 from a variety of businesses pose seven simple questions directly to the audience. This opinion survey engages viewers by asking them to examine their own perspectives about the topic. Questions are asked that analyze the effects of an intimidating or offensive work environment, unwelcome behaviour or conduct, and discrimination. The program then reviews and explores the possibilities behind each answer.

Viewers are shown how to make the kind of choices that ensure mutual respect and cooperation on the job. In This Together also reviews the legal details of harassment and demonstrates in a direct, uncomplicated manner how to create a more respectful workplace that prevents lawsuits.

Viewers Will Learn:

  • The repercussions of offensive language
  • What can happen when promises or intentions are not kept
  • How to handle bad moods and gossip