Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

Sexual Harassment Prevention For Managers

This 2015 program is a continuation of Sexual Harassment Made Simple.  It defines what Sexual Harassment is and then discusses how to prevent and handle workplace situations.

Runtime: 11 Minutes
  • 11-Minute DVD
  • Facilitator’s Guide
  • Post Training Quiz
  • Training Acknowledgement Form
  • Sample Sexual Harassment Policy
Key Learning Points:
  • What is Quid Pro Quo sexual harassment?
  • What is Hostile Environment sexual harassment?
  • How to recognize the signs of sexual harassment.
  • Prevention techniques.


Managers have the dual responsibility of avoiding harassing conduct themselves while preventing it in the workforce they manage. This brand new 2015 production defines exactly what sexual harassment is in layman’s terms, and then gives managers the instruction they need to prevent and handle harassment situations when they occur.

Main Training Points:

  • What is Quid Pro Quo sexual harassment?
  • How to avoid Quid Pro Quo situations.
  • What is Hostile Environment sexual harassment?
  • Behaviours that could result in Hostile Environment sexual harassment.
  • Social media risks for managers.
  • Prevention techniques.
  • How to recognize the signs of sexual harassment.
  • How to counsel employees.
  • How to take a sexual harassment complaint.
  • Investigation techniques.

Call or email us for all the details on streaming and delivery options.