Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

Support the SALE for Service & Support Professionals

This program is specifically designed for professionals who support sales teams in their organizations.

Runtime: 55 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Facilitator Guide
  • Participant Materials


Key Learning Points:
  • Learn how to build trust with prospects and customers
  • Demonstrates ways to maintain customer loyalty when handling complaints
  • Describes how to recognize opportunities and ‘up sell’ existing clients


This program is specifically designed for professionals who support sales teams in their organizations.

It introduces a basic S.A.L.E. process that fives participants a comprehensive approach to supporting the sales process.

Learning activities include opportunities to explore and practice skills and strategies for up-selling, referring business and responding to challenging customer situations.

The S.A.L.E. Process:

  • S – Set the Stage
  • A – Analyze needs
  • L – Link To Solutions
  • E – Establish commitment