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The Cuban Missile Crisis:

A Case Study In Decision Making And It's Consequences
SKU: 6369P Category: Brand:

This program is not a history lesson, but an examination of the leadership style and processes that led to not just to a good decision, but to the optimal decision.

Runtime: 25 Minutes
  • DVD, USB, or Streaming
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • How to choose team members
  • Setting the tone for openness and trust
  • The role of the leader
  • Developing alternatives and considering their consequences
  • Moving the group from conflict to consensus


This program explores how change and growth inevitably force organizations to make critical decisions at unexpected moments.

Management experts consider the Cuban Missile Crisis one of the most successful decision making processes in history. In 13 pressure-packed days, President Kennedy’s Executive Committee debated and successfully resolved how to respond to the threat of nuclear attack.

When acting under pressure, many organizations make decisions that fall short, that operate in a frustrating cycle of trial and error. How should organizations reach decisions that successfully impact their enterprise? What elements are essential in surfacing the best decision a team can make?

The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Case Study in Decision Making and Its Consequences is not a history lesson, but an examination of the leadership style and processes that led to not just to a good decision, but to the optimal decision.


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