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The Manager as Coach

This program has been designed to help promote a coaching culture in the workplace. It asks managers and supervisors to consider how they can embrace a coaching approach especially in challenging economic circumstances.

Runtime: 14 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Facilitator’s Guide with Self-Assessment
  • PowerPoint
Key Learning Points:
  • Recognize the power & potential of coaching
  • See how coaching supports using a range of different styles
  • Develop a framework for the use of coaching
  • Practice the skills required to deliver ‘intelligent coaching’


Coaching has the potential to underpin everything a manager does—a way of managing people rather than just something used occasionally to address performance issues. Underlying this approach is an awareness of emotional intelligence that helps build effective working relationships based on trust and mutual respect. This in turn helps create a climate that supports learning, continuous improvement, and performance management.

The Manager as Coach will be helpful to anyone who manages and coaches in the workplace. It provides a realistic context in which an effective manager has her eyes opened to the potential of coaching to inspire and motivate a member of her team. The approach is presented as a way of working for managers who are leading people in challenging times.

The story will also resonate with people who may not have management responsibilities at work, but who see an opportunity to adopt a coaching approach in other contexts –in the home, at a club, society or association, with a friend or acquaintance, or in other social networks. The values, principles, techniques and skills are transferable across all aspects of our lives.

The program shows how a positive approach to coaching provides a solution to a workplace problem. It can be watched as a story but is also organized in chapters so that individual scenes and training points can be revisited.

The program challenges managers at all levels to consider how they can embrace a coaching approach and encourages them to:

  • Reflect on the power and potential of adopting a coaching approach
  • Understand how coaching can underpin everything a manager does
  • Explore how ‘The Manager as Coach’ might support learning and development using a range of different styles
  • Adopt a framework within which coaching can be facilitated
  • Consider and practice the skills required to deliver intelligent coaching