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The Plus of Us: Dynamic Diversity Training

An effective Diversity, Anti-Discrimination, and Harassment program, The Plus of Us takes your employees beyond the legal rules of discrimination, to an understanding of the basic human needs and emotions that control workplace relationships between diverse employees.

Runtime: 54 Minutes
DVD, USB or Streaming with:
  • Employee Version (16 minutes, 7 vignettes),
  • Supervisor Version (20 minutes, all Employee vignettes with commentary for supervisors, plus 2 additional vignettes)
  • Full Court Pres (18 minutes)
  • Comprehensive Leader’s Guide with separate training sessions for Employees and Supervisors
Key Learning Points:
  • Identify discriminating and harassing behaviours
  • Identify prejudicial stereotypes
  • Identify proactive and positive behaviours to stop discriminatory/harassing conduct
  • Accept personal differences and appreciate personal similarities


Do your employees understand what workplace behaviour is acceptable, what’s unprofessional, and what’s even illegal? How can you train your staff to embrace cultural differences and protect your organization from potentially devastating lawsuits?

The Plus of Us with attorney Greg Naylor, is an effective Diversity training program as well as an Anti-Discrimination and Harassment program that will educate your employees and supervisors to avoid behaviours that harass and discriminate and help them recognize how everyone benefits from a diverse, dynamic workforce. It will take your employees beyond the legal rules to an understanding of the basic human needs and emotions that control workplace relationships between diverse employees.

The Plus of Us: Dynamic Diversity Training is divided into separate workshops.

  • An Employee Workshop (16 minutes, 7 vignettes)
  • A Supervisory Workshop (20 minutes, 9 vignettes)

They encourage interactive participation by learners as they explore scenarios addressing discrimination, harassment and diversity issues based upon:

  • Age/multi-generational tensions
  • Sex and gender orientation harassment
  • Disability
  • Personal appearance
  • Protected class cultural and lifestyle identifiers
  • Religion
  • Familial association discrimination
  • Third party harassment and discrimination
  • Retaliation
A bonus 18-minute video, Full Court Pres, dramatizes the positive benefits of a diverse workplace as well as the real human emotions and adverse business consequences that result from discrimination and harassment.
Upon completion of the program, learners will be able to:
Identify discriminating and harassing behaviours.

Identify prejudicial stereotypes and understand why they are inaccurate and unfair
Identify proactive and positive behaviours to avoid and stop discriminatory/harassing conduct
Understand how accepting personal differences and appreciating personal similarities will promote a more positive and productive work environment for each of them and for their co-workers.