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The Value of Mentoring

SKU: 3554P Category: Tag: Brand:
Runtime: 25 Minutes
  • DVD
  • Leader’s Guide
Key Learning Points:
  • Mentoring role
  • Mentoring process
  • Active listening
  • Strategies for implementation


Mentoring programs are undoubtedly a hot topic – if not being implemented in every workplace, they are certainly widely discussed and considered.

This program demonstrates the value of effective workplace mentoring. Amidst issues with bumbling employees, fluctuating staff commitment, anger management and a surreal encounter with a tow truck owner, John Andrews, co-founder of marketing firm Andrews and Andrews, implements a mentoring program at the company.

Andrews teams two young and relatively inexperienced employees – Tess and David – with two longer-serving staff members – Bernadette and Ben. The results vary dramatically!

In this program, the purpose and benefits of a mentoring program are explored. Effective and ineffective strategies are examined, laying the groundwork for further discussion regarding the value of mentoring programs, their objectives and the most appropriate means of implementing them to maximize benefits. This DVD or USBis an ideal resource for any organization considering or evaluating a workplace mentoring program.

Key Training Points:

  • Mentoring role
  • Mentoring process
  • Active listening
  • Strategies for implementation