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Featured Videos

Demonstrating Emotional Intelligence

Learn how our emotions are passed from one person to another almost like the common cold.

Runtime: 18 Minutes
  • DVD, USB or Streaming
  • PowerPoint Presentation Includes Leader’s Material and Notes
  • Bonus Materials
Key Learning Points:


With this program, you’ll learn the subtle art of reading facial expressions and understand how our emotions are passed from one person to another almost like the common cold. Learn how “feel good” chemicals in the brain help you sync up with others and encourage rapport.

A key (and very funny) scene in the film shows how emotions play out below the surface when the actors reveal they’re true feelings directly into the camera while acting like nothing is wrong with the other characters in the scene. In another scenario, we see how a salesman can lose a potential customer by misreading her facial expressions.

A great training film for applying the basics of both emotional and social intelligence into the real world of work.

This program is Part 2 of a 3-Part series. Part 1 is Understanding Emotional Intelligence.Part 3 is Emotional Intelligence & Optimal Performance.

Dan Goleman, Ph.D. is the author of the bestselling books, Emotional Intelligence, Working with Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence. He graduated from Harvard University and reported on the brain and behavioural science for the New York Times for 12 years. He was awarded the American Psychological Associations’ Career Achievement Award and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.